Safer Alternatives to Salt

The severe winter weather might cause difficulties in and around your business or house. Snow and ice accumulate on concrete and paved surfaces as a result of the cold weather. This is highly dangerous to family members, children, pets, and workers. There are, however, a number of techniques to keep ice and snow from causing problems in your house or company. Some of these methods, unfortunately, can result in concrete damage.

Salt is Damaging

The most common way of preventing ice and snow on your porches, sidewalks, and driveways is salting prior to ice and snow. This may seem like a quick solution, but putting salt on these surfaces can cause concrete damage. Salt on concrete or pavement can causes it to pit, and once pitted, it can eventually crack and break. Additionally, when salt comes in contact with metal (example: your patio furniture), it can cause corrosion, and thus more damage to your property. Luckily, there are different and safer solutions to help prevent slips and damage.

First, use a shovel

Using a shovel is a proven and reliable safer alternative to salting pavement. However, this approach does not always work to remove ice off the pavement. Ice can become trapped and impossible to remove with a shovel.

Litter of cats

That’s right, you read that correctly. Cat litter is an excellent traction-creating salt substitute. Litter also does not damage outdoor surfaces in the same way that salt does. You may get a natural kitty litter that is free of chemicals and poisons. Then you’ll know it’s safe for your dogs, children, plants, and employees.

Stair Mats That Are Heated

Heated stair mats may also be placed on steps and other paved places around your house or business. These heated mats are simple to install and will not harm surfaces, concrete, pets, or children.

Various Alternatives

The final option to salt is to use gravel, wood chips, or straw. These materials also provide grip on potentially icy areas while causing no concrete damage. Prior to winter and ice conditions, we recommend placing them on paved areas.

While there are numerous strategies to minimize concrete damage, it is sometimes unavoidable for damage to occur around your home or company. Do not hesitate to contact us. We are The Contractors Booklist, a digital marketplace that aims to connect homeowners with professional contractors. If you see any of these signs you are welcome to Request A Quote and get the best gutter contractor for your place.
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